On Wednesday, Parliament had the first hearing of the Renters’ Rights Bill, the revision by Labour of the previous government’s Renters Reform Act. There was a lot of information given during the hearing so let’s take a moment to take a look at what this could mean for your investments in the future.

Let’s begin by reassuring you that nothing groundbreaking was heard in these proposals that will catch you off guard. Most of what was heard was already in the previous bill by the Conservative government. Regardless, let’s break down what was involved and what might affect you as a Bath Landlord going into the future.


The big headline in the news outlets was the abolition of Section 21 evictions. For years now, landlords have been able to issue a section 21 notice, which gives tenants two months to leave the property through no fault of their own. Many have viewed this as unfair, particularly when they have been used to displace tenants who challenge landlords’ provision of poor living conditions or challenge rental increases they deem unfair.

Landlords won’t be without power. You will still be able to evict tenants who break rules under Section 8 of the Housing Act. This will cover situations such as failure to pay rent, damage to the property, and antisocial behaviour. The main difference here between a section 21 and a section 8, is that the latter requires a court order. The concern here is that in recent years these court orders have faced significant delays. However, the government has assured us that they will work to clear the backlog and streamline the process.


Another important point heard on Wednesday’s hearing was the ban coming in on bidding wars. Over recent years, some cities have seen an influx in rental bidding wars. This has been caused by over-demand and under-supply, which has then led to two people trying to offer more than the other over the asking rate of rent and leading to ‘a bidding war’. This new piece of legislation will make it illegal to ask or accept any offers from potential tenants over the advertised rent. This may stabilise the market, but it is something to keep in mind when setting rent prices for your Bath rental property.

In addition, in-tenancy rental increases will be limited to once a year and will no longer be allowed during the period of the fixed term of a tenancy. Whilst this ban may seem restrictive, it does provide a sense of stability for tenants and in turn may encourage longer-term lets.


 This proposed act introduces a stricter regulation on the quality and energy efficiency of rental properties. By 2030, landlords will need to ensure that their properties are given an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C or above. (For more information about EPC Certificates see this article: How will the new EPC rules affect Landlords? ( This is a long-term requirement, so although it may require investment at first, there is plenty of time to plan these changes, check the regulations, and plan accordingly.

The introduction of the Decent Homes Standard into the private rental sector means that Bath Landlords will also need to ensure their properties and maintained to a certain standard. This will particularly look at hazards such as dampness and mould, a common issue among Bath properties in particular. It is a move that is aimed at improving the overall quality of rental accommodation and whilst it may mean more responsibility for more landlords across the city, most landlords will already be meeting these standards.


If any one of these proposed changes is causing any concern then do not hesitate to get in touch with our team, we would be happy to help you understand these changes further. Being a team in Bath affiliated closely with the governing body, Propertymark, we are continuing our professional development and are constantly keeping up to date with the latest changes. Do also keep an eye on this blog page which is continually updated with all the latest news in the property industry here in Bath and beyond.