Renter’s Rights Bill – What does it mean for you?

The renter’s rights bill was published last week. It is important to note that the following is not yet law as it must be passed through parliament. Many Landlords are apprehensive about these proposed sweeping changes to the private rental sector. So, let’s explore the bill’s key points and what this means for tenants and landlords.


Section 21 evictions have been long used by landlords as a means of terminating a tenancy agreement without any reason.  This system will be replaced by a new measure that will only permit evictions under certain conditions, such as rent arrears or the landlord wishing to sell up. Whilst this may initially be seen as restrictive, it has been on the horizon for a while as this was also a measure proposed in the Renters Rights Act, the previous bill by the conservative party, and we have previously spoken about the limited impact this change may have.

Going back to the point, landlords in Bath and beyond will now need to follow stricter legal grounds for eviction and ensure that they are treating their tenants fairly and making sure they are not displacing their tenants.


Rent control mechanisms in the Bill aim to standardize rent increases across the board. It has been proposed that landlords will only be allowed to raise rents once a year and tenants will have the power to challenge this, if they deem the rent increase as excessive, at a tribunal. The aim here is to prevent unfair rental hikes from being used as an undercover eviction. Despite this, Landlords will still be free to increase the rents in line with market rates.

Another significant proposed change is the prohibition of bidding wars. In recent years since the rental market demand has far exceeded supply, there has been an increase in these rental bidding wars where tenants are bidding higher than the advertised rent to secure a property they may know has been garnering a lot of interest. Under the Renters Rights Bill, this practice will be outlawed. Lettings agents and Landlords will be forced to publish a clear asking price for rent and will not be allowed to accept offers over this rate.


The introduction of the Decent Homes Standard into law aims to make sure that all properties in the private rental sector abide by a minimum safety and quality standard. Landlords in Bath and beyond will need to make sure their properties comply with these standards or they will risk facing penalties. This is an expansion of the existing standard that applies to social housing, ensuring those in the private rental sector are entitled to the same level of safety and decency in their homes.

Awaab’s Law, named after a traffic case of a child who died from exposure to mould in social housing, will also be extended to the private rental sector. This will place a legal requirement on landlords to address serious health hazards within a specified time frame. Whilst this may seem like a major regulatory burden, many landlords are already maintaining these standards so will find compliance with these new regulations relatively straightforward.


Another headline from the bill is the enhanced ability for tenants to keep pets. Landlords will no longer be allowed to refuse pet requests without reasonable grounds. However, to address concerns about the potential damage a pet may cause to the property, landlords can now require pet insurance to cover any damage.


Local councils will be granted additional powers to enforce the rules laid out in the Bill. This included the ability to levy fines of up to £7,000 for initial breaches of the above, and escalating to £40,000 for repeat offences. Whilst these new powers may be daunting, they are largely targeted at rouge landlords, and those who already comply with existing regulations are likely to be unaffected.

If you have any further questions, then do not hesitate to get in touch and if you would like to read further into this then click the link below ⬇️